Powers of Attorney
Protecting Your Future: Unlocking the Power of Attorney in California Estate Planning
When it comes to safeguarding your future and ensuring that your wishes are respected, estate planning plays a pivotal role. Within the realm of estate planning, one crucial component that should never be overlooked is the Power of Attorney. At Naimish & Lewis, APC, a specialized San Diego family law and estate planning firm, we understand the importance of these legal instruments in providing peace of mind and protection during challenging times.

The Power of Attorney: Unleashing the Key to Your Estate Plan
Your estate plan should never be considered complete without the inclusion of Powers of Attorney. Irrespective of your wealth or age, having these powerful legal documents in place is crucial. They serve as a safety net, enabling trusted individuals to act on your behalf should you become incapacitated. Let’s explore the different types of Powers of Attorney and understand their significance in your estate plan.
Durable Power of Attorney:
Financial Empowerment When It Matters
Take Control of Your Financial Affairs, Even in Incapacity
A Durable Power of Attorney for financial matters allows you to designate a trusted individual to handle your financial affairs according to your instructions. This individual can assist you immediately or step in if and when the need arises due to your incapacity.
Manage Your Finances with Confidence
A Durable Power of Attorney for financial matters grants your chosen representative the power to pay your bills, manage your mail, handle bank deposits, and ensure the smooth processing of social security checks and other government benefits. By thoughtfully selecting someone you trust, you can rest assured that your financial matters will be handled responsibly during challenging times.
» Further Reading: What is a Power of Attorney?

Advance Health Care Directive:
Empowering Your Loved Ones to Make Decisions
Incapacitation Shouldn’t Halt Your Care
Life can take unexpected turns, and circumstances may arise where you are physically or mentally unable to make your own medical decisions. An Advance Health Care Directive allows you to appoint a trusted individual to make medical decisions on your behalf when you are unable to do so. Advanced Health Care Directives are highly customizable. Each Advance Health Care Directive is drafted to ensure your agent understands your values and desires for healthcare.
Secure Your Well-Being Even in Challenging Times
Whether it’s the onset of dementia, an unforeseen accident, or an illness that leaves you in a coma, having an Advance Health Care Directive ensures that your family doesn’t have to navigate the complexities of the legal system to help you in your time of need.
» Further Reading: Understanding a Medical Power of Attorney
Specific Power of Attorney:
A Tailored Solution for Unique Needs
Addressing Specific Affairs with Precision
While an Advance Health Care Directive and a Durable Power of Attorney cover a wide range of situations, there may be specific instances where you require more focused legal representation. This is where a Specific Power of Attorney comes into play. It allows you to appoint an agent to act on your behalf for a particular affair, within the confines specified in the legal document.
Avoiding Pitfalls: Durable vs. Non-Durable Power of Attorney
It is crucial to distinguish between durable and non-durable Power of Attorney based on their intended use. A non-durable Power of Attorney is created for a specific purpose and expires when you lack capacity, making it ideal for achieving a specific financial goal or addressing matters during a defined period. Conversely, a durable Power of Attorney remains in effect when you become incapacitated, providing comprehensive coverage within your estate plan.
Crafting Your Unique Estate Plan with Naimish & Lewis, APC
Your Estate Plan, Tailored to Your Needs
At Naimish & Lewis, APC, we understand that every estate plan is unique. Whether you have a blended family, own a business, or possess unique assets, our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through the process of creating a comprehensive estate plan that reflects your individual circumstances and goals.
Regular Review: Ensuring Your Plan Adapts to Life’s Changes
Life is full of changes, and it is essential to review and update your estate plan regularly. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, births, deaths, and significant purchases should prompt a revisit to ensure that your plan accommodates new assets and aligns with your evolving needs. Our team at Naimish & Lewis, APC, assists clients in reviewing and revising their estate plans, providing expert guidance to ensure the continued protection of their interests.
Frequently Asked Questions about Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning
Do I need a Power of Attorney if I'm young and healthy?
Absolutely! Powers of Attorney are not limited to the elderly or those facing health challenges. Accidents and unforeseen circumstances can happen to anyone, at any age. By establishing Powers of Attorney early on, you proactively protect yourself and ensure that trusted individuals can step in to manage your affairs if the need arises.
Can I choose different individuals for healthcare and financial decisions?
While it is generally recommended to appoint the same agent for both healthcare and financial decisions, you have the flexibility to choose different individuals for each role. However, it is crucial to select individuals who can work together in your best interests should they ever need to collaborate.
Can I change or revoke a Power of Attorney?
Yes, Powers of Attorney can be changed or revoked at any time, as long as you have the capacity to do so. Life circumstances and relationships may evolve, requiring adjustments to your estate plan. Our experienced attorneys at Naimish & Lewis, APC, can guide you through the process of modifying or revoking a Power of Attorney to ensure your plan remains up to date.
Are Powers of Attorney only relevant in California?
Powers of Attorney hold significance in every state, as they are governed by state-specific laws. If you reside in California or own assets in the state, it is crucial to work with attorneys who have in-depth knowledge of California estate planning laws and can ensure your Powers of Attorney comply with local regulations.
Can I create a Power of Attorney myself or use online templates?
While it may be tempting to create a Power of Attorney using online templates or DIY methods, it is strongly recommended to seek professional guidance. Estate planning involves complex legal considerations, and working with experienced attorneys, such as those at Naimish & Lewis, APC, ensures that your documents are tailored to your specific needs and comply with all legal requirements.
Contact Naimish & Lewis, APC
for Estate Planning Excellence
For Crafting Your Comprehensive Estate Plan with Experience and Expertise You Can Trust
At Naimish & Lewis, APC, we are committed to providing you with the expertise and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of estate planning. Our experienced attorneys will work closely with you to craft a comprehensive estate plan that reflects your unique circumstances and goals. Don’t leave your future to chance—contact Naimish & Lewis, APC, today and unlock the power of attorney in your estate plan.